Monday, April 6, 2015

WebSphere Commerce Architecture

WebSphere Commerce Architecture

The following software components are associated with WebSphere Commerce:
1.    Web Server
2.    WebSphere Application Server
3.    WebSphere Commerce Developer.


WebSphere Commerce Application Layers

WebSphere Commerce Application architecture consists of 7 layers. Each of these layers has the different functionality

Database schema
It is the bottom layer which stores all data from the WebSphere Commerce Server. Examples of the tables that are stored in database can be Order Table,
Member Table, CatEntry Table.
Persistence layer
This layer registers the data and operations made using WebSphere system. The layer represents entities used to encapsulate the data-centric logic that is needed to take information from database. They act like an interface between the business components and the database.

Business logic
It contains the actual actions of the WebSphere Commerce Server. In this layer the business rules are implemented using the command pattern. There are two types of commands: controller commands and task commands. Implementation is made independently of the presentation layer.
Service layer
This Layer includes channel independent mechanism that allows accessing
WebSphereCommerce business logic. It shows the business logic to the outside world. It supports two transport mechanisms: local Java binding and Web services.

Presentation layer
The task of the layer is to display results. There are two types of presentation layer supported by IBM WebSphere Commerce. The first of it is Web presentation layer, the display is rendered using JSP files. The second type is rich client, for this type presentation is rendered using Eclipse views and editors implemented with SWT components.
Business processes
Business processes show the processes available in WebSphere Commerce.
They are divided, according to the business model, into three areas:
Administrative processes, starter stores, solutions.
Business models
Business models describe the situation in which WebSphere Commerce products can be used to reach the goals. There are five business models provided by WebSphere Commerce: B2B (Business to business) direct, Consumer direct, Demand chain, Hosting, Supply chain. The sample starter stores are created based on these business models, and can be developed for users’ own needs.

WebSphere Commerce presentation layer
The view layer of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern is implemented using the JSP. The view layer uses data beans to retrieve and format data from the database. It also decides if the request should be sent to a browser or streamed out as XML. JSP files separate data content from presentation.
Below figure shows how the presentation layer works when the user uses
WebSphere Commerce store pages.
1. The user is browsing store pages
2. The servlet is getting the store data from servers using Java beans
3. JSP uses the data to display the information on the store pages
4. JSP interacts with store data via Java beans

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