Monday, September 29, 2014

Change subversion user and password in RAD or Eclipse

If your swapping development virtual machines all the time, you will need to change your subversion credentials in Rational Application Developer (RAD) which is based on Eclipse.
To change Subclipse authentication and certificate:
  1. Close Eclipse or RAD/WSAD
  2. Navigate to the following directory replacing {User} with your Windows logon id.
    • On Windows XP. the path is: C:\Documents and Settings{User}\Application Data\Subversion or (
    • On Windows 7, the path is: Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/Subversion (
  3. Delete all files under the Subversion directory
  4. Open Eclipse or RAD/WSAD
  5. Synchronize with your SVN repository
  6. If prompted click Accept Permanently to trust the certificate
  7. When prompted enter your Subverion user id and password

Jadclipse with RAD

1. Download JAD from and unzip the file to C:\jad folder.
2. Download jadclipse jar file from
Copy the  jadclipse jar file to the eclipse plugins folder -  C:\IBM\SDP\plugins
3. Restart RAD.
4. Open RAD. Navigate to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations -> Associate *.class file type to JadClipse Class File Viewer and make JadClipse

5.  Window > Preferences > Java > JadClipse - > Set Path to Decompiler to C:\jad\jad.exe.

6. Restart RAD.

At toolkit start up I got issue like : at Deployed Modules(

At toolkit start up I got issue like : at Deployed Modules(

Resolution :

Attempt to cleanly publish the application:
  1. Start the WebSphere Commerce test server.
  2. Right click on the server definition in the servers view and select Add and remove projects.
  3. In the new dialog box, the WC project is listed in the Configured projects section. Select the WC project and click Remove. This will move the WC project to the Available projects section.
  4. Click Finish and Rational Application Developer will unpublish the WC application.
  5. Restart the WebSphere Commerce test server and verify that the WC application is no longer starting up and that there are no other errors during startup.

    To verify that the WC is no longer starting up verify that the following is no longer printed:

    ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: WC
  6. Reopen the Add and remove projects dialog.
  7. Select the WC project in the Available projects section and click Add > Finish. The application will move to the Configured projects section and Rational Application Developer attempts to publish the application to the test server.
  8. When publish is complete, restart the WebSphere Commerce test server and verify that there are no errors during startup.
This resolved my issue.

Friday, September 26, 2014

WCS caching with AKAMAI

Here we are going to discuss about - how do we setup and integrate Aurora Store with a  CDN (Content delivery network,  is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the internet. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance.)service?

Akamai,( very popular CDN provider on the marketing)

1 – Override the implementation in CMDREG table, to FileSystemCopy.
  • FileSystemCopy
     update cmdreg set className='' where interfaceName='';
2 – FileSystem.xml – We have to edit this file, located in the “WC/xml/config” directory. In this file we have to pint where the assets will be copied.
  • proceedOnlyWhenAllServersAreWorkingSet –  Set this value to false. This attribute is only applicable to the root element of FTP servers.
  • FSLocation – A local directory on the WebSphere Commerce system which is mapped or mounted to a remote directory on the Web server system.
<FSLocations xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" xsd/FileSystem.xsd" proceedOnlyWhenAllServersAreWorking="false">

<FSLocation dir="/temp/filehold"/>

3 – Schedule ScheduledContentManagedFileEarUpdate (Commerce Scheduled Job) to run every 15 minutes only on dedicated staging appserver.
4 – Schedule Shell scripts jobs to copy the  files and folders created by the business user, from this folder in the app server to our webserver. This script can use rsync or other technology. You may also allow the app to save the asset directly on the web server, mounting a folder with NFS, but I don’t like this solution.